Alex Leong Fx's comment on MMAG. All Comments

Alex Leong Fx
39 Like · Reply
harga masih boleh beli pada harga 0.40 kebawah
Alex Leong Fx
Bila boleh 1 jadi 10?
Like · 9 months · translate
1 Like · 9 months · translate
Alex Leong Fx
Nilai jadi kecil, sanggup risiko besar
Like · 9 months · translate
Alex Leong Fx
Sell saja, sama harga
Like · 8 months · translate
Alex Leong Fx
Besok boleh buy
Like · 7 months · translate
Mohd Faizal
kenapa kena,buy esom
1 Like · 7 months · translate
Alex Leong Fx
Buy seterus
Like · 6 months · translate
Alex Leong Fx
Tambah share lagi
Like · 6 months · translate
momo chick
TP 0.2 can we?
1 Like · 6 months · translate
come on come on
1 Like · 6 months · translate
Alex Leong Fx
take profit, no comment
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Alex Leong Fx
itu dari bro tangan
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mabab 4494
Soon Breakout 52weeek high
1 Like · 6 months · translate
Alex Leong Fx
Tentu mabab
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mabab 4494
Ong Ong maa
1 Like · 6 months · translate
Alex Leong Fx
Awak tidak nampak ka?
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Amin fauzi Abdul halim
Boleh naik berapa bro
1 Like · 6 months · translate
Alex Leong Fx
naik berapa? boleh hold berapa lama
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mabab 4494
haha scary , 0.185 already block . this time flush ohh
1 Like · 6 months · translate
Alex Leong Fx
scary? jual saja.
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Zoro Azmie
mantap... tp 0.3++
1 Like · 6 months · translate
Alex Leong Fx
entah. jika berterusan.
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mabab 4494
hahaha teruskan hold
1 Like · 6 months · translate
Alex Leong Fx
hold saja jika nak risiko
Like · 5 months · translate
Alex Leong Fx
Going turun, jadi? Jual lol.
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Amin fauzi Abdul halim
Waiting patiently it will fly soon
1 Like · 5 months · translate
Alex Leong Fx
Tutup mata buy saja
Like · 4 months · translate
chong cs
sudah jalan
1 Like · 4 months · translate
Alex Leong Fx
ya, sudah jalan. teruskan
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Amin fauzi Abdul halim
Kikiki today people panic buying
1 Like · 4 months · translate
Alex Leong Fx
beli harga murah sebelum naik
1 Like · 4 months · translate
Amin fauzi Abdul halim
Kita tggu jual nanti diorang beli
1 Like · 4 months · translate
Alex Leong Fx
Masa berjalan
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chong cs
sudah terbang..bukan jalan
1 Like · 4 months · translate
Alex Leong Fx
biar terbang atau jalan sama saja
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L Hawk
terbang Limit Up
1 Like · 4 months · translate
Alex Leong Fx
Kemungkinan 51%
1 Like · 4 months · translate
chong cs
sudah want to sell..apa macam ni..
1 Like · 4 months · translate
Alex Leong Fx
terlepas pandangan
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chong cs
today ada lagi ?
1 Like · 4 months · translate
L Hawk
today if ur heart strong sure got
1 Like · 4 months · translate
Alex Leong Fx
tengok dan lihat
1 Like · 4 months · translate
chong cs
slow and staedy
1 Like · 4 months · translate
Alex Leong Fx
yup, Chong cs
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L Hawk
thats the way we like it
1 Like · 4 months · translate
Alex Leong Fx
siapa tidak mahu ingin juga haha
1 Like · 4 months · translate
Alex Leong Fx
Sabar saja. Dapat buy terbaik
Like · 3 months · translate
Alex Leong Fx
Teruskan beli jangan tidak beli
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Alex Leong Fx
Ya, teruskan buy
Like · 3 months · translate
Alex Leong Fx
Turun sikit masih buy ?
Like · 2 months · translate
Support 0.250..
1 Like · 1 month · translate
Alex Leong Fx
baru mula turun belum tahu harga support
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Stanley 118
Esok break Support 0.25!!!
1 Like · 1 month · translate
Meng Wong
Today have good show
1 Like · 1 month · translate
Alex Leong Fx
masih belum lagi
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Stanley 118
Ada peluang Naik Ada org sedang beli pd harga 0.26? Mahu mula perniaga Goreng Pisang?
1 Like · 1 month · translate
Alex Leong Fx
Masih belum, tunggu saja.
1 Like · 1 month · translate
Just wait for another month..
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Alex Leong Fx
ya betul stanley118
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Stanley 118
Cepat masuk sebelum naik ke 0.30. Ramai sapu 28cents.
1 Like · 1 month · translate
Good move if can break 0.300
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Stanley 118
Sure, semalam index Turun teruk 0034 pun tak turun byk. Kuat support. Tak tahu Wayang atau Betul nak push Up???
1 Like · 1 month · translate
last week price already down.. but don't worry. Big chips still inside..
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Alex Leong Fx
Yeah, Stanley 118 & wan wan, biar betul.
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Stanley 118
Left hand to Right hand. Pandainya main Wayang kulit.
1 Like · 1 month · translate
Alex Leong Fx
main tidak best lol, labur baru best haha
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Meng Wong
Need take more time to move
1 Like · 1 month · translate
Alex Leong Fx
yup, tunggu masa and lihat
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Meng Wong
Yes u are back to 300, next continue push gogogo
1 Like · 1 month · translate
ya ya ya..maybe test 0.360/0.405 again..
1 Like · 1 month · translate
Meng Wong
Total shares now is 1803m?
1 Like · 1 month · translate
Meng Wong
If I no wrong the day i c is around 2000m, now less 10%? Or I misremembered?
1 Like · 1 month · translate
Alex Leong Fx
Sell teruk tentu buy
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more or less some figures that..
1 Like · 1 month · translate
Mohd Iznan Shamsuddin
good news coming
1 Like · 1 month · translate
Stanley 118
HaHa, U will know end of August.
1 Like · 1 month · translate
Alex Leong Fx
Peluang beli sikit
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khatijah KT
boleh ke pecah 0.37 this week...lama tdo
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Stanley 118
Kena tanya Madam Chan.(khatijah KT).
1 Like · 1 month · translate
Alex Leong Fx
nanti tanya kena turun harga haha
1 Like · 1 month · translate
Meng Wong
Nanti dia cakap tunggu u jual Baru pecah hahaha
1 Like · 1 month · translate
khatijah KT
Ada partnership with ANA... announcing will have +ve growth in September. Should be this month already start. Dah mid August. Harap cepat pecah. hihi
1 Like · 1 month · translate
Alex Leong Fx
entah, jika ramalan betul.
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Stanley 118
Buat masa sekarang Masih ramai masuk 0.315, Masih Boleh. Buka Mata Besar2 tengok dgn teliti.Gd Luck.
3 Like · 1 month · translate
Alex Leong Fx
Saya tidak kisah harga
Like · 1 month · translate
coming soon 0.405 again?? get ready
1 Like · 1 month · translate
Meng Wong
Should be break it
1 Like · 1 month · translate
Hopefully by the end of this month..
1 Like · 1 month · translate
Alex Leong Fx
tidak pasti
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Stanley 118
Byk ikan kecil masuk dlm???
1 Like · 1 month · translate
Alex Leong Fx
Baik juga. Ada support
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Stanley 118
Ya, Betul.
Masuk Cepat, keluar lagi CEPAT bila turun!!!!! Now main Sideline.
1 Like · 1 month · translate
Alex Leong Fx
oh ya kah cara begitu
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Meng Wong
Otw fly gogogo
1 Like · 1 month · translate
Alex Leong Fx
masih belum lagi
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Alex Leong Fx
buy harga support
Like · 3 weeks · translate
Meng Wong
Yes, if want buy fast fast. Otw fly
1 Like · 3 weeks · translate
Alex Leong Fx
Buy untuk sedia saja
Like · 3 weeks · translate
coming soon...
3 Like · 3 weeks · translate
Alex Leong Fx
biar betul sekira menunggu
Like · 3 weeks · translate