Zack Trader's comment on AT. All Comments

Zack Trader
56 Like · Reply
No more price discount after Today ! AT will rise higher ! Technicaly rebound high effective Today and onwards ! MACD on the way to Golden Cross ! Factory and all materials are in place and process smoothly !

The glove maker machinery has been Successfullly tested on 24/11/2020 !
Dipping test successfully done on 1/12/2020 !
Huge demands and productions very soon !

Hold tight ! I BUY more now ! Price to gap Up high from Today 0.155 ! Lets enjoy the Trading till TP1.50 progressively !

Based on Stochastic on 27/1/2021 closing at 0.170 this counter is OVERSOLD and thus the price can rebound high ANYTIME ! RSI is maintained at good level around 50 is a good signal !

Don’t be gambler mindset ! Be an Investor mindset then sure win big very soon ! Holds until June !

Latest Update 5/2/2021!

Good updates for AT investors !
Line 2 gloves done successfully and line 3 done very soon subsequently all line will be completed soon !

FDA registration is successfully established 5/2/2021 and AT Gloves now can be EXPORTED its medical examination GLOVES to United States (USA)

Even price will fly high very soon I will hold still until June !
Change mindset now to must BUY ON NEWS !
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Nick Soo
I sell not to sell, no need you kepo. 念多一点小房子给你。 不用再hardsell lol
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Samuel Wong
no limit up
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Zack Trader
Monday 40 cents !
Enjoy weekend dulu !
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Nick Soo
40 cent ,, ha ha . ....
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Stanley 118
R u sure 0.40??? Dun simply blow water. I cut if Monday 0.40
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Stanley 118
0.20 pun susah lagi mahu 0.40!!Zack.
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Janson Lee
40c is a nice dream...
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Zack Trader
Gloves on fire ! All in AT ! MACD to hit golden cross ! Stock on uptrend ! Based on TA Updated on 10/1/2021 !
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Wen Jun
Zack Trader is a another new clown
3 Like · 3 years · translate
Everyday at there sin ka lan
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Zack Trader
Ya 1.50 ! Just hold until June !
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Believe you really can go Holland dy gg
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Zack Trader
No problem buddy
Gambler can get lost
Hold until June
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Stanley 118
Crazy rm1. 50!!!! Dun dream. Sendiri cakap sendiri syok
1 Like · 3 years · translate
Ur technical keep saying cross macd in all ur comments but after the next day drop. Are u sure you are a traders or just a sin ka
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Zack Trader
June pon Belum sampai u sudah tau Apa berlaku kah buddy ? Gambler get lost!
Hold until June then we see the prediction is good !
Kalau u sudah Rugi banyak Sebab gambler mindset then better u trade other counter buddy ! That’s why buy share niat nak invest Bukan niat main judi ada faham ?!
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Leong Leong
多念小房子 你CL了?
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Zack Trader
U main judi kah atau buat investment ? Kalau main judi u at wrong field buddy !
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Wen Jun
Stupid hilarious joke make my day hold until June
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Wen Jun
if June nothing happen then hold until next year?
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Zack Trader
I told u gambler get lost.!Pegi main judi Di casino Bukan Di bursa Malaysia ada faham idiot gambler !?
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Wen Jun
Dunno who keep con people to buy oh
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Wen Jun
is Friday alex
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Wen Jun
tomorrow holiday
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Samuel Wong
tomorrow PH......
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Zack Trader
Hello idiot gambler ! I told clearly I will hold until June ! Why tomorrow ? Why Friday ?
If u gambler mau Main judi then don’t comment in AT ! Get lost gambler idiot !

Idiot gambler get lost! Again I said I will hold until June ! No problem for long term investment in bursa Malaysia and is up to trader ! If u gambling then bursa not suitable for u buddy !
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Wen Jun
Zack is so mad hahah
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Nick Soo
63 days discount price
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Stanley 118
Tadi terus buang habis 0.17 tak mahu tengok lagi, buang masa.rugi tak apa. Jgn buang masa disini. Bye, bye. Gd luck
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Zack Trader
No worries at all for mid and long term investment ! I will hold until June ! Good counter with good business plan will release good QR high Revenue soon ! Patience is money ! Good!
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Nick Soo
No need panic. this is long term hold may need few years to fly . ha ha.
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Zack Trader
No problem buddy ! The problem is those don’t have 1 single share or no longer interested invest i n this counter still make comments here ! Why ? Because they takut2 once price up then regret badly ! Of course good counter will go up very soon !
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Haha zack keep lying to himself on high condo. No one gonna fetch him down
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Zack Trader
Alex why are u so worry ? I don’t think u aware my early analysis before the price gap up ? That’s why must invest based on cash u have don’t use extra credit then u feel regret until cannot sleep now ? Pity u buddy ! Next time pegi masuk FD saja Jangan masuk bursa Kalau takda modal tau !
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1 Like · 3 years · translate
Now got cross ema 20 or macd?
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Zack Trader
U Still interested AT rupanya ! Good buddy ! Just hold until June! Don’t worry anything at this moment ! Just follow the flow and will gap up soon !
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Nope I’m not interest in At I’m just interested on what you comment. Joke of the past
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Stanley 118
Yeah, me 2.Dreaming joke
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Nick Soo
gamestop at AT ... ha ha ha ... just hold ..
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Stanley 118
If got holding power, is good, no one really know when will rebound.Hopefully Gd Luck
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But so obvious if got holding power till June it will become like mtouche and go-ocean. Especially go-ocean is the same boss as AT their price from high 0.4 drop till now 0.06 so you able to see how long term does in penny
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Zack Trader
AT already have genuine gloves factory ! Hold until June to have complete dipping run and good revenue soon buddy !
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Genuine so what. The operators are controlling the share price what you guys can do. Some of the comments even worse saying that bankers are buying in and maybank is the top shareholder those funny statement.
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Zack Trader
Any problem ? AT got genuine gloves factory so admit that is genuine good business buddy ! If u have no money then u just watch it in June buddy !
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Haha that time hope you don’t loss till pants also gone
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Zack Trader
Why u so worry buddy ? If u have No money just watch saja la others make money again soon ! Seem it sound like u already suffer teruk ya ? Pity u ! Better u have good sleep and be happy ya buddy ! Don’t be stress sangat ! Jangan nangis kuat saangat tau !
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Zack Trader
Good updates for AT investors !5/2/2021
Line 2 gloves done successfully and line 3 done very soon subsequently all line will be completed soon !

FDA registration is successfully established 5/2/2021 and AT Gloves now can be EXPORTED its medical examination GLOVES to United States (USA)

Even price will fly high very soon I will hold still until June !
Change mindset now to must BUY ON NEWS !
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1 Like · 3 years · translate
Tommy Lee
Hope will uptrend, is time...
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Muhd Aasif
ha3 good news but bad price. glove sector already downtrend what u expect from AT. gebang since dec start prod, hasil pun tadaaaa
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Muhd Aasif
FDA registration only, not yet approve ha3
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Zack Trader
Yes following the receipt is establishment registration with FDA, Thus AT Gloves now can EXPORT its medical examination GLOVES to the United States (USA)

Of course gloves is in high demand still and huge revenue flow in very soon.
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Zack Trader
8/2/2021 good movement morning hit 0.180 ! Gloves business tremendous demand and is trusted growth now and future ahead !
1 Like · 3 years · translate
Burn ur ass
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Muhd Aasif
zack of all trades, master none.. ha3. you thought rest of stock spike because of demand only??
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Zack Trader
Bila gambler kaki judi beri komen semua negatif saja ! Why ? Because these are one of the gambler like contra dan buat bursa Macam pusat judi ! Then regret cut loss and cry like mad at bucu katil!

I have wrote clearly that I will hold until JUNE and definitely will monitor the price movement daily and give my good comments when All of us know AT is a genuine gloves manufacture with genuine factory and furthermore AT will develop 60 Gloves line very soon ! Bright future for investors but don’t act like idiot gambler !

BURSA is for investor mindset and not for kaki judi gambler mindset which always buy morning and sell afternoon ! BUY SHARES & HOLD TO TP !
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1 Like · 3 years · translate
Muhd Aasif
looks like ur saying reflect about urself. cheated by sifu ha3. invest on what basis, on news created by operator ha3
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Muhd Aasif
radin betul.. nak invest, tapi pick kaunter FA ntah kemana harapkn rumours jer lbih. nh ibarat invest dalm sumatec sbb company kompang oil n gas last2 smua hangus
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Zack Trader
Nampaknya both of u beli counter yang FA tak kuat tu ! Nampak cara memang suka gambling like casino tu! Mindset need to be change then only u know the potential developing growth company with genuine business and soon massive revenue will be generated ! Nak develop new business Bukan semudah ABC but importantly is a genuine gloves factory established ! Ada faham kah ?

Don’t worry buddy I will hold until June ! If u have no single share in AT it is better u go comment to your counter yang non profit making and FA tak kuat yang u BUY tu ya ! Lol
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Stanley 118
Kalau June tak nak lagi, Zack jgn hilang diri Dan pusing2 cakap seperti roti canai.
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Zack Trader
I sudah analyse AT since price at 0.070 and then in few days gap up to 0.300 ! Masa tu u tido atau tertinggal bus kah buddy ? Lambat ni banyak fikir negative sangat tu ! Now AT is a developing potential high demand growth business and thus soon good revenue will be accounted !

Are u BUY AT for long term or just like some commentators whom like gambling ? Or u also don’t have single AT shares ?
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Zack Trader
Simpan lama for Good potential growth company like AT is the best ! Consolidate pon tak jadi masalah because AT is a genuine established gloves business with genuine gloves factory ! Hutang pon AT Takde (Debt free company) dan AT ni good cash company ! So many potential future value ! Good !
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1 Like · 3 years · translate
zack tradee why d hell consolidate become good la? are u crazy?
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Zack Trader
I reply to naysayer yang kata dia takut Kalau share consolidate . But maybe he don’t even have AT share at all !u don’t be idiot if u not gambler like them so u just hold then should trusted with the share u bought !

I understand if share consolidate the price will be quite high but some trader will said it will a bit ringan to fly ! I don’t see possibility that AT will consolidate their price so far! So just follow the flow and gloves are now still in high demand !
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Like · 3 years · translate
oklah i believe dis stock coz i still holding it, but can u explain to me how with 4billion shares the price will go above rm1?
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Muhd Aasif
sembang analyse since 0.07, klau dh anlyse u should know when to TP. analysis guna HOPE ANALYSIS ker?? last time when kyy promote, u depends on him. when he run u said he nobody ha3. i know u bought this counter above 20sen ha3, thats why hari2 kompang coz u r in great loss. glove sentiment is over, doesnt matter what u saying. dont compare this counter to TG n HL n etc
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Janson Lee
People are still trading AT?
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Zack Trader
Orang lain join BURSA buat duit ! U buat alasan negatif hari2 ! Maka mereputlah u dengan alasan negatif sampai ke tua ! Lol
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Lol sad to have you in bursa. People earn you lost
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Zack Trader
Seems u are the one loss so much buddy and now mumbling like mad and like crazy ! Pity u buddy! Gong Xi Fa Chai ! Jangan nangis2 ya. Kalau u dah loss banyak Jangan Dikenang loss itu dan make sure next to trade use your own cash only !
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Stanley 118
Luckly siang2 I sdh cut loss pergi Dnex. Sini tunggu sampai leher panjang. Gd luck.
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Haha see zack people know how to cut lost and earn back from other places but you still with ur FA long term shit. AT totally not a FA company, it’s just a goreng company I don’t think u will understand the definition of FA
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1 Like · 3 years · translate
Luckily I sold 0.21 very earlier before At drop like shit. And buy dnex now earned more than 50% for angpao money. Think wise not like zack long term till now paper lost a lot. Investors know when to cut and buy others to cover back but my friend here holding a counter like holding his family over believe this shit
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2 Like · 3 years · translate
Zack Trader
Now all of us know u cut loss and suffer huge damages ! No wonder mumbling like mad ! Lol ! Gotcha !
That’s why must BUY early and follow the trading plan to TP for this AT good potential growth glove company ! Ada faham kah ? No worries buddy now price still discount and cheap ! Kalau nak beli lepasni Jangan gambling lagi ya ! Patience is money !
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Like · 3 years · translate
Haha I really dunno how u know or u might be like someone got some pro imagination thinking. Surely you all into this counter make you so desperate on promoting it
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Zack Trader
GONG XI FA CAI to all my Chinese Buddies
2 Like · 3 years · translate
Dnex gogogo
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Stanley 118
No more promote of AT?? ZACK n L. K.
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Nick Soo
Still at discount price and technical rebound. lol
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Lol he said this words since at 0.25 until now
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Christopher Toh
手套股没趋势,但AT 已经赚了散户的钱。。。
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Muhammad Fakhrullah
Kuat kompang brader ni.. Yg push the price bkn retail tp insti.. Insti x push habeda..
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Zack mana u. Hope you don’t sell car and house to top up
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Stanley 118
Mesti hilang diri, Zack n Lim Kong.
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Stanley 118
Luckly awal2 dah lari, pergi Dnex
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Stanley 118
Hello, Zack whr r u???
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Zack lost in jungle or flight to Holland?
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Nick Soo
zack at AAX there .
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Nick Soo
zack at bpuri
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Stanley 118
He is Stock runner??
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Zack Trader


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Vincent Wong
See what he did commented at dnex counter. Hello Joker Zack
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Vincent Wong
Hahaha joker. Dont simply comment if u dont know how to do trading in share market. Shame of you. Dun make joke
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Vincent Wong
See how i commented in supermax please. Aiyo. Act like a kid without any knowledge as a human being. Shame of you and you family. Simply talk talk without think. Like a kid.This make my life become fantastic because of this JOKERS. wahahah
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Vincent Wong
210days price discount. Hahaha
So obvious u stuck so high Joker
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Janson Lee
Who is still trading this losing counter?
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Stanley 118
Haha, ran almost 1year. This Zack Trader n king also disappeared
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Stanley 118
Must be careful alot of Company keep posting Gd news, a lot of contracts, at last nothing n price keep dropping.
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kent choong
TP 1.50 also can say, good job for the promoter. But better say TP 10.50, will get more attraction xD
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Vincent Wong
6more days to go to hit Rm1.50.thats y i always address him as Joker. Always give ridiculous tp in order to trap people. This joker even dont know what is shame. Face so thick. Good to be Slave of Operator... Slave forever
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