Bursa God Father's comment on TOPGLOV. All Comments

Bursa God Father
5 Like · Reply
Windfall tax never happen in manufacturing company, if its happen than, rubber,risin, plastic, etc have to tax.

Any neutral resources income like palm oil, oil & gas, rubber, they have windfall tax but in certain rules and regulations.

If palm oil CPO near at 4000 they will have windfall Tax 20%

Jiby not finish school

EPF not stupid they keep on buying from 5%, 5.2%,5.3% 5.5%, 5.688% Now 5.695%

No need to believe in me today they will buy more.

Better study bruhh
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Kengkah Chiew
not likely will impose windfall tax, some more the share price has given a discount of more than RM1!
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A Ace
Windfall tax not big deal lah, if 5% tax, TP from 12.00 change to 11.40, lower 5%
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Bursa God Father
Like i say before, no windfall tax bullshit story in glove sector just humble donation from big 4 glove for our country. One off payment to Help our nation become stronger.

Monday gap up. Just wait and see
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George Sebastian
wow...monday will be rocket shoot up.
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Bursa God Father
Yes george sebastian.
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Danny Ding
George no need shoot up like rocket, grow with steady will be enough
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