SS Lim's comment on HIBISCS. All Comments

SS Lim
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Aiya, so many ppl dunno about Convertible Redeemable Preference Share Issue. Let me try to explain it here.
SS Lim
Convertible means the investors who subscribed to the PA can convert the PA to common ordinary shares at the predetermined exercise price. In this view, this PA feature is like a warrant.
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SS Lim
Redeemable means Hibiscus can buy back the PA from the investors at predetermined price, usually after certain locked in period. In this case, it is beneficial to Hibiscus. This PA feature is like redeem back a bond.
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SS Lim
Preference Shares (PA, those shares with suffix PA, PB etc) will not affected EPS until the holder decided to convert into ordinary shares.
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SS Lim
However, there is a separate accounting measure called Diluted EPS (not the typical EPS) where you can see the impacts of all convertible stuffs such as warrants, prefs on EPS.
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SS Lim
Hibiscus market cap now is about 900million. If people are willing to pump in 2billion, it is a good news.
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Ah Choon Wong
What is the redeem price? What is the interest per year given to us?
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SS Lim
Details will be announced shortly usually. If you dun like, please sell or go to EGM and put a objection board there. HAHA.
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SS Lim
lol, yea yea
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Ah Choon Wong
What is the duration period of the redemption? Everything is not written precisely! Put us investors in a very difficult situation whether want to sell or keep?
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SS Lim
Aisei, why so rude? Dun like the corporate exercise, pls call IR
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SS Lim
I rather they get the money from bigger boys. I dun intend to buy rights now.
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Ah Choon Wong
If want to put out a proposal, do it professionally. Don’t put investors in a dilemma don’t know what to do? ‘Normally’ convertible is not redeemable, redeemable is not convertible.
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SS Lim
Convertible Redeemable Pref Shares are common.
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Ah Choon Wong
这个华文的更加亂,发行价一元,轉換价0.66,更加不可思议,真的很亂. 发行价如果一元,股數那里可能到46 億多.
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SS Lim
Haha, sale price of PA is not the same as sale price of ordinary share. Chinese translation usually less reliable, just wait for the official thick proposal. If you really cant tahan, just call the IR and shout at them.
Show more
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Ah Choon Wong
Don’t have to shout, we just need precise and undoubted proposal, they are not doing the job professionally.
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Choy Ming Ming
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Choy Ming Ming
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Ah Choon Wong
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SS Lim
@choy ming ming 是Private placement. 我们不用加钱。
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Choy Ming Ming
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SS Lim
@choy ming ming, 0.66只是PA的exercise price, 不一定会到0.66, 但会给信心。
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Choy Ming Ming
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Kien Kok Khoh
Sell it , change to perdana.
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Chengkai Kok
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Ah Choon Wong
在2.1 的placement arrangement 里,Hibiscus shareholders qualify to subscribe for the CRPS.
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Steven Chong
Share price must go up by 12th Nov 2020 to make the deal attractive
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Joshua Lai
clause 2 is book building exercises, something like ipo?
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Ah Choon Wong
我有三百万的身家還来買这个股,拿去買Bank stocks 比较穏. 油价这么低,Petronas 都要自保.
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Joshua Lai
谁知道 身家不一样视野也不一样可能他们看到我们看不到的风景?
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Chengkai Kok
Joshua lai是的,油氣業者看到的東西跟我們外行人不一樣的。
還記得當年大紅花Spec團隊購買油氣資產時,國際油價是USD25-USD35 ,人人喊賣的時候,他們就趁機會買到優勢便宜貨來挖油所以成本才能那麼低
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Joshua Lai
Chengkai Kok 原来如此,是2016那段时期么?
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Sam Lee
@SS Lim, ignore these jokers. What you explained is basically common knowledge of what is expected from investors. Yet they wanna join in the same club of investors without the same knowledge.
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Billion One
what 7 u trying to say
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SS Lim
Collected more today. LOL
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