Sia BangWen's comment on AT. All Comments

Sia BangWen
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When Glove plant complete, glove aldy supply over demand. Small sand new manufacturing like this AT , I ask how to survive and compete. As simple as this. Purely goreng and now is over
Jack Jeeper
Understand economics pls, most glove companies already full book order, means for the market to get more gloves, they have to wait long time before they can get gloves
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Jack Jeeper
for AT, they can use this as opportunity to get into the market, as glove demand still there, AT will also profit, just profit smaller
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Jack Jeeper
keep this comment, we look back here in 6 months time when production is full and effect
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Lim Jia Hong
I wonder, currently world wide 22mil corona patients vs world population 7.5bil people in the world to be injected vaccine.
Which will need more gloves? Please advise.
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Gary Phuah
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Jack Jeeper
yup, dont worry I wont Lari, I worry others who sour me will hide only
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Leong Leong
jack ,wht u think about this analysis
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Jack Jeeper
video too long, I suggest you trade at your own risk, that guy is also expressing his own opinion only
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Jack Jeeper
based on the chart, I can see strong support around 0.07, so at 0.09, you wont lose much money. just remember to average down to close the gap
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Jack Jeeper
for me this counter is long term, you should expect good QR from glove sales by mid of next year as they start setting up this Nov and start using as they set up the rest of the production. Not logical for them to set up the 1st in Nov and not use them
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Jack Jeeper
my opinion, a RM 0.10 glove counter in the making, nothing to lose. Carepls went from RM 0.20 to high RM 5.00, AT will follow, but long term
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Bear bear
ya ya ...long term holder here too haha ....hopefully november will be colorful
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Jack Jeeper
Nov certainly wont reflect the glove sales yet, just be sure of your expectation to avoid disappointment
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Bear bear
chill .... 20% drop will cut loss ..hopefully not like inix
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Jack Jeeper
this share wont drop until koyak because the gap is closing between pre goreng and after goreng. I average down many lots and when the news came out, I sold at 0.15 time, got back my capital, now holding half for future investment.
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Jack Jeeper
inix is a gone case, Letter of Intent vs Letter of Award, both have very different meaning
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