CY Ooi's comment on SAPNRG. All Comments

CY Ooi
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unlimited good news unlimited contract, order book much as hill but price like shit
Haru Kenchiru
are you new to this stock @ooi? if yes, this is a hopeless stock with that ceo. no company in the world (i dare to say) that has billions in order and contract but kept losing money and making a loss. what oil price crash? other company has already make a turn around, except this stupid management team. do not buy this stock or even look at it, unless it goes beyond rm0.50 (virtually impossible now)
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CY Ooi
i have been here for 1year ago
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Haru Kenchiru
ooi - all the best. i was stuck here for 5 years !!! no eyes see, my stocks are almost worthless (imagine how much i lost since i bought this 5 years ago??) haha
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Kenny Loh
When is the AGM lets go fxxx them
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Haru Kenchiru
kenny - i wanted to go but then, i feel its useless because we are not majority holder. resolution to give super bonus and high remuneration to those stupid upper management always approved even when the company posted record losses after losses. so whats the point of going to the AGM because they do not listen nor care about minority holders? just a waste of time going
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Zhikang Sim
管理层要换 不然看不到路
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Low Ah Liu
全部上好飞机了 为什么还不起飞
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Andrew Low
还没加油。。。。。waiting fuel deliver. 3mths move too slow. Lost confident from investor.
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Ivan Foo
keep this counter and go agm every year for door gift.. don't expect any capital gain from this==..
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Haru Kenchiru
ivan - did you go? what door gift do you get? for me, the best door gift is to show the management team esp the CEO the door !! thats the best gift !!
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Ivan Foo
previous agm was RM40 prepaid petrol card... you shouldn't expect anything more from sapnrg
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anybody isme
this company is related to politicians.. hard to get investors trust..
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CY Ooi
the ceo is not enough salary, keep joining others to get more salary.
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Kenny Loh
AGM is on July. Pls go. I’m definitely vote from web
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Billion One
also unlimited share unit.....
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Coby Moh
Possible to 0.01 liao >.<
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Josh LRT
President suite confirm u also all in meh?
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