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YOU CAN SEE, YTB ON THE RIGHT TRACK...........BANGI, 1 Nov -- Rangka kerja Pelan Hala Tuju Pembangunan Vaksin Negara (PPVN) diyakini mampu membantu mengukuhkan keupayaan Malaysia secara berperingkat dalam usaha pengkomersialan vaksin tempatan.
Menteri Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi Datuk Seri Dr Adham Baba berkata ini seterusnya akan menyumbang kepada industri bioteknologi, pembangunan modal insan dan bioekonomi negara.
“Rangka Kerja PPVN terbahagi kepada enam bidang keutamaan iaitu tadbir urus, infrastruktur pembuatan vaksin, kajian klinikal, pembangunan modal insan dan perolehan teknologi, pembangunan vaksin serta komunikasi vaksin,” katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian pada Majlis Pelancaran Pelan Hala Tuju Pembangunan Vaksin Negara (PPVN) dan Institut Genom dan Vaksin Malaysia (MGVI) di sini hari ini yang disempurnakan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.
Ahead of the tabling of Budget 2022 on Friday (likely to focus on spurring recovery, strengthening resilience, and catalysing reform with a modest expansionary budget), KLCI may extend its profit taking consolidation this week after rallying from 1515 low. Nevertheless, severe downside risk is cushioned, and riding on firm commodity prices.
ust to recap the key pointers of our Budget 2022 Preview strategy piece released last Friday:
- Modestly expansionary, with focus on building resilience (B40, MSME) & rehabilitation (of GLCs)
- *Unlikely chances of punitive new windfall taxes (low probability) and capital gains taxes (moderate probability)
- There could be a temporary rate rise in the high income bracket personal taxes
- Potential moderate beneficiary sector: Plantation (raising base price for CPO windfall tax), property (continuing Home Ownership Program incentives), banking (proposal for the sector to absorb the gov mandated 3-month interest waiver for targetted groups rather than a blanket waiver for B50 income earners)