Sinchan LKjun

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Joined Feb 2020


USA ady bull from last year till this year of January and then market starting up and down due to Donald triumph policy but our bursa starting bearish from last year June now till now ….why bursa drop too much because one of the reason is bad sentiment from USA n also reason behind uncertain of Donald triumph policy and then another reason is Anwar is so supporting hamas causing nazri in usa get asking question from USA…based on the data it showing foreigner cash out getting higher and higher …this is so ridiculous shit things happen in our bursa …that why someone say i’m blaming Anwar for what ! Plz go study or analyse the facts before commenting ppl
15 hours · translate
Bro u go study first before blame ppl …don’t be so naive
17 hours · translate
Ape qr not good ? Is market bearish market due to foreigner cash out ..thx Anwar keep supporting hamas causing foreigner cash out from bursa
17 hours · translate
madani anwar在哪里 出来解释一下股市才跌0.2%?
18 hours · translate
Lionel Essi I found out you when u not holding your stock then u will sure have talk this stock is bad and it won’t goes up anymore but when u got your stock that u holding then u will turn ur face and console itself that I can collect cheap tickets from bottom …so I think u r the joker that always make ppl Laugh at u ..haha
1 week · translate
你们那么在乎epf 跑路? 对我来说epf不在是更好
2 months · translate
tesla hari hari fly high but u hari hari drop sikit …ape mcm genetec
2 months · translate
Today retrace a lot but volume not so much than yesterday …will monitor again tomorrow
3 months · translate
andy 带量下跌?看来你对技术图还有很远……哈哈
3 months · translate
3 months · translate
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