Mohd Firdaus Foo Abdullah

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Fame: 196
Old school contrarian with some twist

Joined Dec 2019


Looking from a different angle, Capital A has now become a pure digital and logistics play minus the risk from aviation dynamics. I see great potential in the recently revamped superApp. Just my own 2 cents.
10 months · translate
loji janakuasa persendirian yg jual letrik kpd tnb. contoh jimah power, malakoff
3 years · translate
independent power producer
3 years · translate
Dia tak buat ev charging bro. Dia buat recycle dan biomass incinerator utk generate elektrik jual kat tnb. Kena sabar tunggu ev berleluasa di mana keperluan letrik meningkat. Cuma kelebihannya ialah bio mass clean energy dan tak perlu tunggu matahari terbit mcm solar. Lama lagi. Beli sbg saham anak cucu.
3 years · translate
Long term it is. A bio mass IPP. EV charging on non fossil energy will be the end game. Lama lagi.
3 years · translate
Good to see u here. Me same holding like you also. Free warrant and bonus issue.
3 years · translate
You are truly the bad news pop up guy, Yutaka. But thanks to your pessimism, I made 52% out of AA and out for good. You are like an early warning for buy signal. But only for AA lah. The rest of the counters that you have popped up did not fit my contrarian play. We need more people like you to help ikan bilis like me on the timing to buy. Good foresight. Thanks nway.
3 years · translate
No worries Vincent. Happy investing bro.
3 years · translate
Vincent. You can say whatever you want. I got no problem at all. Good luck bro.
3 years · translate
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