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You are truly the bad news pop up guy, Yutaka. But thanks to your pessimism, I made 52% out of AA and out for good. You are like an early warning for buy signal. But only for AA lah. The rest of the counters that you have popped up did not fit my contrarian play. We need more people like you to help ikan bilis like me on the timing to buy. Good foresight. Thanks nway.
Monday for sure limit up lar...singapore okay, Thailand okay... Lai Lai Lai... Just buy, no doubt... Remember, everyone can fly..... Tp 2.50... 5.00 is possible.. HUAT arrrr
AA now in strong competition with mas and malindo for domestic flight. Looking at the gov loan only can sustain for 1 qr. Possible follow AAx step to declare Pn 17
Will these help on their revenue? I dont think will increase their revenue. The company will continue to suffer from losses. The theory u mentioned is funny to me