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there are only 2 IPs that Oppstar is holding. Not good at all. There is one stronger local company yet to be listed. Keep an eye on that - Skyechip. I am waiting for Skyechip's IPO. Hopefully within a year or two. Skyechip is how IC design company should looks like :)
Do the same search for skyechip and you will see the difference between Oppstar and Skyechip. While there is no guarantee that Skyechip will fly, the IPs owned by Skyechip is showing that they are more "hungry" for success compared to Oppstar.
Its finally here, Teong. The long awaited local chip design company. I dont like the 1 bil valuation though it has pretty significant IPs on hands. Will be applying for the IPO and hopefully can get some. https://www.klsescreener.com/v2/news/view/1487587#comments