Teong Poh

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Joined Apr 2021


cost cannot come down because of depreciation and salary. if you cut pay, good engineers will jump ship
3 weeks · translate
based on forecasted FY25 and FY26 earning and PE20, realistic stock price is 30 cents...
3 weeks · translate
my 2 cents: if u still want to buy, may be below 35 cents, that will give you some safety margin
3 weeks · translate
kenanga new price target 0.54 with sell rating
3 weeks · translate
it tried to diversify into sales of wafers and others as turnkey projects are not easy now
3 weeks · translate
latest Qtr loss 1.7M
3 weeks · translate
question: will you invest 400 million to get 10 million a year which is 2.5% return?
3 weeks · translate
agreed. international players such as Wipro also having PE around 20 for last 5 years. The biz Oppostar is in, is at global playing field. Being only listed Si design company grants Oppostar no advantage.
3 weeks · translate
most of IPO proceeds have not been used to grow biz but deposited as MYR and RMB FD which will have some Forex loss. Mgmt need to be more aggressive to grow the biz.
4 weeks · translate
if qtrly revenue continue to decline, should value at PE@20, which means 36 cents
4 weeks · translate
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