Jia Woei Lee's comment on ECOWLD. All Comments

Jia Woei Lee
3 Like · Reply
QR 还没有announce.
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Goh Yong lim
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Jia Woei Lee
70mil nett profit. so?
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Goh Yong lim
just so so. below expectations
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lawrence hou
bro. property stock u cant interprete the QR like that. u must check the unbilled order
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Tia Wei Ann
7/12=59%..7month reached 62%, over their target already..
Or you can compare its single quarter or cumulative 2 quarters revenue and pbt with Mahsing or Matrix or other similar stock with price around 2.00, actually this performance is good.
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bppoh75 poh
slow and steady, good company
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lawrence hou
yup. i have been keeping this since 3 years ago. currently dividenf yield 11%. so become my dividend stock
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bppoh75 poh
11% DY is so amazing
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