Fadzil Ariff's comment on MINETEC. All Comments

Fadzil Ariff
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Still got ppl buy with big amount…ada news coming kaa?pls share
Almost there
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Hakim The Richest
where got people buying big amount? where you see huh?
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Fadzil Ariff
Trade details bro
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Fadzlan Syahidi
Technically.. Kalau minggu ni candle doji dan dah touch ma30.. Should be no worries.. Hold saja... But cut loss still kena jaga
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Pavitzy Ushay
*hint June.....
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Fadzil Ariff
Wow…okay? then keep till end june..tq info
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Amin fauzi Abdul halim
Buy more
Diskaun ni
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Fadzil Ariff
@amin..done some…spare incase drop some more..:))
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Fadzlan Syahidi
Trade at your own risk.. Huhuhuhu
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Fadzil Ariff
Benda da koyak pon just layan je ni..klu ade ade lahhh
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Dragon Ball Z
long term stock. kalau beli minggu ni, minggu depan nk untung dah, mmg xdpt kt sini. cuma mana yg beli kt puncak goyang la.
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Fadzlan Syahidi
Closing looking good.. Tgok candle next week pulak
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Keith Khoo
Pavitzy Ushay June What will happen? Sharing is caring.
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pls share good news if any
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Jack Siew
may b can benefits from HSR project if bjland wins the tender
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Dragon Ball Z
the good news are, if you all read the qr, minetech are gaining profit in energy sectors. this could be a good news since Sarawak are focusing green energy for the future
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