Fadzil Ariff

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Joined Oct 2020


50 wall so hard..
1 week · translate
After lunch hopefully…today laa come on
1 week · translate
Yaya all small cap uncertain now..let it be
2 weeks · translate
To the moon tomorrow onward ;)
2 weeks · translate
Not yet the time…hang on buddy
3 weeks · translate
Yaya hopefully :))pasrah
1 month · translate
Itu ler first tot this counter je..bila look around banyk je terciduk :)) so JTG ni apa cer?
1 month · translate
Small cap most kena libas…klci naik
1 month · translate
Tech analysis tak bole pakai…fundamental pon tak bole pakai nini….yaaarue like casino :)) hope rebound next week
1 month · translate
Ehhh moving pulak :))
1 month · translate
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