Tan Hee Keat's comment on EKOVEST. All Comments

Tan Hee Keat
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director resign gg
Chaery Martinelli
rotten apple
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Vincent Wong
Yesyesyes. Bad news for company. I am waiting ppl to sell down the price long time already. Come down please tomorrow. Need to average more
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Brandon Keat Woon
They switch to LSH Berhad, now doing leap market transform to Ace market. ekovest gg
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Boss Maxx
Tukar orang kuat masuk good news
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Vincent Wong
Apa orang kuat. Dun simply spread rumours. I m waiting to average more at lower price. I havent use up my cny bonus please. LKC wont simply resign if there is a good timing for him. Takkan bodoh kah itu tan sri. We bodoh they also not bodoh lo
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stanley lee
Org kuat akan masuk
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orang kuat tu siapa?
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stanley lee
Beli sekarang, tunggu
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Vincent Wong
X mungkin la. Org kuat sudah keluar company. Tengok mcm nak push stock lain pula. Tunggu je. I belum average down lagi. 40-42.cantik
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Palani Ramasami
Lim down, another Lim is stepping up. XD https://theedgemalaysia.com/node/703689
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