Brandon Keat Woon

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Joined Jul 2021


Of course no one is irreplaceable. 80% projects is from ex MD Tan Sri. Ekovest want to be colorful revenue like before sure cannot.
3 months · translate
Ekovest won’t going up, revenue drop. The Tan Sri Lim MD is switch to LSH Berhad d, so Ekovest without Tan Sri cannot growth.
4 months · translate
They switch to LSH Berhad, now doing leap market transform to Ace market. ekovest gg
4 months · translate
5 months · translate
2 years · translate
Ekovest Tan Sri开了新公司LSH,筹备上main board了。
2 years · translate
Be careful , 跌的信号来了。
2 years · translate
2 years · translate
Kasih semua management turun, and also report to SC coz this is indirect scam, let those company that also scam like this kena prison.
2 years · translate
Next drop is 0.375
2 years · translate
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