S K's comment on VELESTO. All Comments

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Nothing to worry as Amanah saham trustee and Amanah saham Malaysia under PNB. PNB declared dividend payment of 1.64 bil for both fund recently...so they just changed hand only to get some fund to pay the above dividend. They cannot sell in open market unless if there is any other institutional buyer who willing received it and can see good thing in velesto . Who grab this 90,000,000mil still puzzling. We must see in positive way, overall I think is good...I guess. Hope brent can break usd 80 soon...
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Addinaim Rahim
Kasi hembus la Aneee, mau raya awal
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Hari ni naik...pantau2
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Mahu kasi tipu kah, hembus Kah you dgn i hembus tarak laku punya. Shark puas dinosaur hembus baru blh Jln. Tarak duit mahu Raya jgn raya lah...balik kzmpung tido je ler..LOL
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Pergi lah pundek..cpt Mahu kaya pergi jual ponggong lah. Celaka. Tak main saham jgn Masuk ler bursa...jual nasi lemak tepi Jln.. hahaha!
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Ni let org tak tahu hormat bangsa Lain.. cakap besar je buat ape poker Kosong...cisssss. tin Kosong
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Tak ada org tunjuk pandai di sini. Stock market tak kenal org, tak kenal you raya ke tak raya ke. Dia tahu cengkam bilis je. Saya post reality. Ini kali ketiga saya reenter balik. Saya dah TP profit lebih dari 60k (baru tiga bulan ni). Saya dah follow velesto sejak 2018. Klu you nak post ke comments org Lain ke biar pakai akai fikiran dulu. Dei bro you baru trading penny tau berapa saya rasa paling tinggi 10,000 ke...sdh org trading bnyk. Tak you ckp pasal news tamil. Ang fikir cara nak tp...Faham ke...nanti saya panggil mangk ay you marah. Belajar hormat bahasa dan org dulu. Duit beribu pun tak guna klu biadap. Sb ang puasa aku tak nak kasar lagi.
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King Ianflamming56ou
0.30 coming soon......fasten your seat belt please....wakakaA
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