Anthony TF Chong's comment on SUPERMX. All Comments

Anthony TF Chong
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next stop possible at 4.50/3.20
Anthony TF Chong
3.20 and 2.60+/- may have a pause or support, but this line gone would bring the next price at 1.25
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Anthony TF Chong
I was here too, that was 258 days ago, the 203 days ago I did put down some references price, as 260+/-, and 125 too
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Anthony, if Super goes down to 1.25, means it's below the net cash level. the company has no value at all. do you think it's possible?
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it could trigger a potential privatization.
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Ya privatised at 2.0 a share hahhahaha
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Anthony TF Chong
ok, liew, as my post, it was like 7 - 9 months back which was earlier of this year, at the time price are RM5- RM7, all these level were the support level that I picked up at that time, so with this privatisation or pn14/17 said, all these said were this few days back ppl try to justify or find some reason or way to shared or release their emotional in sharing
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Anthony TF Chong
and I don't think they (TG or supermx) will dare privatisation, as 1) when it's hit 125, how much he need to offer? 250? 300? how much company need to set aside for this? and 2) record high at RM 11, how to accept 250 to privatisation, so those ppl were sharing recently didn't think through this 2 point
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