walter koh

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Joined Mar 2023


new high is coming !
5 months · translate
i just check my M+ trading account , the 7M shares and 7.11M shares is DBT is not sell at open market wor.. hmm.. means she sold 14M + Shares , sirius kids u are correct
5 months · translate
"此外,Ramssol集团近期也获得本地和国际项目,为此该集团进行了私下配售,并已成功发行给多家机构投资者,其中包括CMY Capital和Fortress Capital资产管理私人有限公司,成功筹资约2000万令吉。"

source :
11 months · translate
"while selected players in the Consumer and Software Tech sectors are potential winners of measures in Budget 2024 (QLG, LHIB, CAB, HEIM, ITMAX, Ramssol, GHL, CTOS)"

source :
11 months · translate
today can break 1Y high ?
11 months · translate
this stock looks like got potential can explode 1 wor..
1 year · translate
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