Khaw Yean Thye

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Joined Aug 2017


waiting patiently fr a break of 37.5 and we are on solar field up past 42? Fingers crossed
1 month · translate
sheesh didn't anticipate the forex impact and misread the hospitality biz in Aust not carrying weight despite the MCO lifting Guess management has to infuse young blood as the oldies seems to have lost their energy. .still probably may double down if 31cts below seen. let's see
3 months · translate
With tourism and seafood biz improving in East Malaysia this counter is still struggling and can't even string a decent price increase. Other similar seafood counters are faring better. Perhaps stakeholders too bz converting their warrants and neglecting shareholders interest? dividend payout 0.1 is also disappointing. a decent PE.of 12 would have put it ard 23.5 cts.
3 months · translate
Agree things look warming up, the big 100m offer can easily be withdrawn and it’s all system go should it’s 3rd qtr results show another positive result let’s see meanwhile gladly do a double down queue at 2.5 if it obliges.
3 months · translate
looks lke the path to least resistance is up. Its ERA project in central and Kulim developments in north are doing well so I guess the one that calls the shot is reluctant and docile so far.
4 months · translate
Tks Cheng fr the helpful heads up. It’s always good to be sober and be able to assess objectively
5 months · translate
Hmm interesting vol.pick up. Seems like 27 cts could have formed a base support. let's see
5 months · translate
looks like I was too optimistic and my buying timing was out. nevertheless I will add possie ard 35-37 if seen. Don't think this steady counter would spring much surprise downside after that. Best of luck
5 months · translate
perhaps time to lift shares; bottoming process forming? Fingers crossed
5 months · translate
Good price came and set now waiting fr the next ascent. Fingers crossed
6 months · translate
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