Steven Lee

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Joined Jul 2017


what u mean gg?
2 weeks · translate
blockage no more....0.9 nxt
3 weeks · translate
no blocking till 0.87
3 weeks · translate
采油起价so tekan minyak gently to save cost.....hope one day became electric car with instant acceleration
3 weeks · translate
alot of blockage at 0.68 to 0.70...
3 weeks · translate
KLSe finally green....whole morning like icu
1 month · translate
0.41 last block....hope can break it
3 months · translate
high resistance @ 0.35 to 0.36
3 months · translate
要等打破大关0.035 thn cantik liao
11 months · translate
Big block @ 0.08....omg
11 months · translate
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