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Joined Jan 2022


back to 2.0 soon good luck guys hehe
1 year · translate
lanji@o face, puiii
1 year · translate
hahahaha stay condo nicee view or not ??? @JeRry Woo
1 year · translate
TP 0.7 on first day listing
1 year · translate
hahahhaha my TP lai liao lets shoot to the moon again
1 year · translate
thanks oppstar sudah jadi Kaya hahhaha
1 year · translate
Alot of people staying at condo leh hahaha sad chase high gone case liao
1 year · translate
wow alot of people staying at high condo liao hahahaha greedyyyy
1 year · translate
s@hai c@u cib@i uncle cepet !!!! stfu la TP 0.55 wait long2 la...i think u die also the price wont go 0.55cents la Sozai
1 year · translate
Tighten ur seat belts guys ! Infotec going to rebound soon
1 year · translate
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