Shek Yap

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Joined May 2017


noted Chris....anyone knows the highest annual claims experienced by Takaful in the last 10 years?....
1 week · translate
guru Chris...what should be the right level of "more RE" in your mind?...
1 week · translate
give lah more dividends instead of increasing retained earnings which are already at healthy levels...
1 week · translate
hope Q announcement due next week will be good...if nothing exicting, mampus lar....
2 weeks · translate
could also include foreign owners who are exiting the market?...
2 weeks · translate
definitely trading below fair price...Q: who is selling?
2 weeks · translate
my read n purely guessing... there is no market interest in the counter except for institutional trading.....can go down to $3.34?....very sad lor if it does....
1 month · translate
not an easy counter to make money for retail investors....unless one has deep pocket to ride the ripples and the lull period between the annual dividend payout....
3 months · translate
agree...Takaful should hv a dividend no need to guess on the part of investors....
6 months · translate
who are selling?...and prices didn't reflect the strong buying of EPF who has more than doubled its lowest shareholding of 52M or so and Foreign holdings have also gone up.....AND the company is performing well....I am lost, anyone can try to guess?...
8 months · translate
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