Kar Seah Lim

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Joined Feb 2021


Forgot to mention one more thing! This country needs urgently to ban and punish politician from keep changing parties. From what AC's said to us in the group, our group choose to stay away from BAT temporarily as to avoid regulatory risk which is what a good value investor should learn. My full RESPECT to him ! Importantly, he shared his tips without charging fee. Unlike the so called expect outside who charge fee!
3 years · translate
Well said! I buy your idea Auditor Consultant. Share is like a kid, need to ongoingly monitor. It is always easier said than done for banning smoking! I guess this Country do not only need to ban smoking, but also need to ban prositution, ban gambling, ban unfair Tongkat Policy. But who is dare to Voice out! The choice that Auditor Consultant chosed to sell all BAT is to avoid Regulatory Risk which is a smart step. I have never doubt in AC's strategy as I also followed him since 2020 and witnessed his victory from overall 9% in 2020 to 36% in 2021
3 years · translate
散户们, 如果想要赚稳稳的,请跟随 Auditor Consultant 我从来没有看过不需要 cut loss 的 投资 方法。在这个大师带领之下,我2021年,从年头赚钱到年尾。非常幸运这个大师不收学费,分文不收,要进入大师的私人群组,必须看缘分的。感恩大师一路以来默默的帮助我们这些没有方向的散户。尤其是你在2020年12月已经点出世霸账目有疑点,别动。散户们,你们自己看清楚吧。时间真的会证明 AC 目光独到,长远。最后,我恭祝大师,虎年行大运,虎虎生威!
3 years · translate
Auditor Consultant, I fully support your view. I have been following your investment and trading strategy and have never made any losses after using your strategy which is based on Value Investment Guru, Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger. I believe now more and more people want to trigger anxiety among retail investors so that they could collect cheaper ticket. I will be queuing also in case of Syndicates throwing ticket, I will be collecting. TUNEPRO is a hidden gem like what Auditor Consultant said. I will buy more and more and hold tightly!
3 years · translate


有些保险公司也推出Covid plan, 我刚刚读了Allianz应该不落人后

我敢断定Allianz 保险2021年更上一层楼


3 years · translate
这家公司我看了超过10年的了,从他小小看到长大的。帮他做IPO上市的是KPMG uncle Swee Weng. 这里顺道一提,很多人不知道吧,ThongGuan 是那么注重科技投资,纳米科技,他和newton 集团做R&D 所以resin price 起对他来说不会大影响。信不信,由你们。反正ang family 的做法,我懂得,看着长大的。我的宣传就是不要散户被大鳄割韭菜,目的简单。你们可以卖。如果不同意。
4 years · translate
4)切记,必须,一定要低价买入 (at least try to buy at its Intrinsic Value and the best is to buy at its price for margin of Safety as suggested by Benjamin Graham),才能利益最大化。 
4 years · translate
Moon 听你的语气,感觉你和银买在高价。希望你们不是在高价吧。 大鳄无处不在,这更说明了价值投资的精华。
4 years · translate
rlkw 1974,to me all investment still need to go back to fundamental. buying overvalued share is a failure and if bought fundamental bad stock, sure burn
4 years · translate
4 years · translate
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