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Joined Jan 2021


Nice.. 2 for 1 bonus issue.. We haven't seen a ratio like this for a long time..
1 month · translate
Ok if you don't believe it and still want to be in denial syndrome it's up to you...lol but if you want to learn it,. tomorrow.. try asking your remiser about corporate action why the price needs to be adjusted on the day of the ex date on bonus issues.. dividends and others..
1 month · translate
Actually if you want to know most of the top 10 losing counters on the bursa today have IDSS but most of the counters that have IDSS are not traded at all but why the price keeps falling and they are top 10 losers anyway?

It happened for many reasons friends and not because of IDSS alone
1 month · translate
Why did today price go down so much to 0.34 when trading has not yet started.. because it needs to be adjusted with the granting of 1 - 2 free bonus warrant...
1 month · translate
Felix Cheong Sung Leong,
the total value of all transactions today is approximately 3.54m.. while the value of IDSS transactions is only approximately 118k...where if you follow the percentage it's only 5.3%.. it's very small..where does the short selling come with a big amount?.. lol
1 month · translate
It's not because of short selling that it fell to 0.34...the price has been adjusted because of the bonus warrant... just like the dividend...the price will go down because it was adjusted on the ex date...
You have to wait maybe in a few more months if you want the price to reach 0.50 to 0.55...
1 month · translate
In the last two years of financial reports they announced right on the 23rd of feb, so is it possible that it will be noon tomorrow?
1 year · translate
Did they know today is the last day?
2 years · translate
Maybe the director feels a bit regret now
3 years · translate
Don't wait for your bungalow to collapse before you want to get out
3 years · translate
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