Jo Ang

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Joined Jan 2021


What is SGS? And the impacts of it?
2 years · translate
Just 3.33 cent… so stingy
2 years · translate
Comfirm mampus…
2 years · translate
Hahha kangkung… its fun to see how you and Tony Lim debating with each other.
2 years · translate
Lack of credibility and i would not hold it for long term. Somehow we know that the demand to travel will soar and investors like us are just betting that. On the other hand, if i were Tony.. it would be easier to end the business to stop the money depleting game and restart something new.
2 years · translate
I have been in and out. Here and other places.
2 years · translate
So the falling begins.. see you at another bottom again
2 years · translate
这么厉害 哈哈 还是先跑比较好 安全第一
2 years · translate
Run awayy from this
2 years · translate
终于等到了 ^^ 期待
2 years · translate
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