Lin Kin Park

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Joined Jan 2021


3 years · translate
2021年,极有可能是VSTECS的丰收年。不管病疫是否继续存在,消费者已离不开电子产品。在政府Budget及新常态推动下,VSTECS今年将继续受惠于前所未有电子产品销售。此外,鲜为人知的是,VSTECS的企业IT系统业务有和Alibaba Cloud合作,在新加坡发展成功,今年有望扩张至大马。在营业成长中的VSTECS,尽管今日突破新高,以目前RM2.91的价位来看,本益比仅为15倍。纳入有望达成的营业额及盈利新高的利好,相信股价还有上升空间。
4 years · translate
电动汽车是未来趋势。铜 (Copper) 属于耐久及导电金属,将被广泛运用于对电动汽车及充电设备。预计全球电动汽车对铜的需求将在未来2027年将再增加个170万吨。Tawin循环及生产铜。Dato Sri Ngu Tieng Ung 是 Tawin 的 Managing Director,去年12月18日在RM0.18从公开市场入手了359,800股,也在今年2月11日在RM0.175从公开市场入手了1,000,000股。平均入场价是RM0.176。换句话说,虽然公司以前出现亏损,但在电动汽车的日益成熟中,或许他们发现了新商机。尽管没具体透露他们的新前景,根据MD入手动作,RM0.18或许是个安全的入场价位。
4 years · translate
多数人不知道的是,Notion今年1月已开始为著名电动汽车品牌挤压铝部分(Aluminum extrusion)。铝挤压是Notion一直以来的长期业务,而公司也有意顺大势,在未来几年继续扩张铝挤压业务。未来表现指日可待。
4 years · translate
4 years · translate
A globally known Electric Vehicle (EV) player as customer?

We have made headway in a new business of extruded and machined aluminium parts supply to a contract manufacturer with the end customer, a globally known electric vehicle (EV) maker. It is the start of another opportunity to make inroads in the EV segment and will increase about 20% to the EMS segmental revenue.

From Notion's latest (4Q20) QR.
4 years · translate
No official announcements so far, but heard Notion would get Tesla project, supplying aluminium part for one of the parts for Tesla. 500k units per month, margins above 20%.
4 years · translate
Found this Reuter news, not sure related to Notion or not: Robots are not efficient enough for Tesla’s new car factory in Germany, which plans to replace hundreds of them with giant aluminium casting machines to build simpler chassis parts.
4 years · translate
Bro, I am just a retail investor, I only monitor occasionally, not every minute, and you are not my client, mind your mouth.

As far as I know, George Kent may benefit from the government CAPEX. No project announcements yet.

And George Kent bought back their own shares again yesterday.
4 years · translate
That Selangor project is consider as their potential new project, yet to be awarded to them.
4 years · translate
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