Lee Ming Fong

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Joined Jan 2021


在Tan Sri Lim 购买之后,公司的CEO和COO也跟着购买,这一次好像真的来了!期待公司在2025年的表现。
3 weeks · translate
还以为会sell on news, 怎知道破新高,我那天卖掉了…..
2 months · translate
交通部长开幕?那么大龙凤?明天会不会 sell on news???
2 months · translate
RAMSSOL this month should be able to break new high as fund house is coming in.

Its common for funds to enter a "shopping mode" in December. Here's why:

1) Portfolio Rebalancing:

Fund managers often rebalance their portfolios at the end of the year, shifting into undervalued or high-potential stocks to align with their annual strategy.

2) Window Dressing:

Fund managers may add well-performing or undervalued stocks to their portfolios to enhance their year-end reports and attract future investors.

3) Year-End Bargains:

December is typically a quieter trading period, leading to reduced liquidity. This can create opportunities for funds to acquire stocks at favorable prices before year-end rallies.

If funds view RAMSSOL as undervalued based on its fundamentals and technicals, December could see a rise in its trading activity.
3 months · translate
Bursa Malaysia Midday Recap: A Mini Bounce

The FBM KLCI ended the morning trade session in the green after seeing some volatility, large cap banks supported the upward move. Broad market sentiment however remains on the side of caution but bargain hunting emerged in selected sectors. Health care rebounded in part due to moves in a number of glove counters, while plantation continued to thread higher on both mid and large-cap names.

Despite the mixed reaction within the tech space, we see RAMSSOL (Target Price: MYR1.00) clocking in decent gains after its recent results announcement. Our analysts have reiterated a buy rating on the stock today in their latest report.

Trade Your Way Forward. Simple, Smart and Seamlessly
4 months · translate
这个公司一直都有惊喜,一直都有 Project, 老板们和管理层顶呱呱
4 months · translate
Gg I bought at 0.285…hopefully today’s down is because politic uncertainty ?…. Overall the market no volume also… hopefully the share price dont collapse la. Company doing piling monitoring ma, building won’t collapse one
1 year · translate
Seems like supporting strong at 0.28 … any advise ?
1 year · translate
Now cheap wor… second half reverse back?
1 year · translate
What happen to this counter ?
3 years · translate
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