Smart Money Follower

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Smart Money Follower
feɪv(ə)rɪt ɪnˈvɛstə >>
t͡ʃɑ˞lz hɛɹɪs

Joined Jan 2021


Ziqzag correction

weekly end with
Ascending Triangle Pattern correction

6 mar 23 -25 May wave 1
25 May - 17jul wave 2
17jul23 - 31Jan24 wave3

17july 29Aug -sub wave 1
29Aug - 4Oct -sub wave 2
4oct - 27nov -sub wave 3
27nov - 28dec -sub wave 4
28dec - 31jan -sub wave 5

31jan24 - 29July 24 wave 4
2 months · translate
For education ; it is neither a trading advice nor an invitation to trade.


TA - 922m(24Q1), 734m(23Q4), 722m(23Q3),688m(23Q2),726m(23Q1)
TL - 479m(24Q1), 312m(23Q4), 317m(23Q3), 275m(23Q2), 322m(23Q1)
Total stockholders'equity
435m(24Q1), 414m(23Q4), 404m(23Q3), 413m(23Q2), 404m(23Q1)
End cash Position
85m(24Q1), 65m(23Q4), 33m(23Q3), 53.5m(23Q2), 62m(23Q1)
FCF - negative 1 quarter;
ROE,ROIC -decreasing
DE 0.4
Revenue Big jump
Net Margin - 10%

Sentiment -Neutral
Pump :12June,6June,24apr, 15apr, 21-26Mar
Dumb : 25June 7May,27 Mar

Short trending : trend reversal (bearish)
Long Trending : Bullish

Strength compare KLSE index: 89
RSI 44 from bullish to bearish range

Volume :
Weekly Volume Bearish (buy 800k/ sell 12m)
UDV Ratio:1.4 -deceleration
RSIOBV 54 (sideway)
Bullish Volume deceleration since April broke out
Momentum(hourly) - deceleration
Volume(hourly) down volume acceleration , Up volume deceleration
3 months · translate
TA - 1.3B(24Q1), 1.32B(23Q4), 1.32B(23Q3),1.26B(23Q2),1.18B(23Q1)
TL - 262m(24Q1), 312m(23Q4), 346m((247m(23Q3), 326m(23Q2), 247m(23Q1)
Total stockholders'equity
720m(24Q1), 699m(23Q4), 681m(23Q3), 655m(23Q2), 649m(23Q1)
End cash Position
445m(24Q1), 490m(23Q4), 521m(23Q3), 448m(23Q2), 395m(23Q1)
FCF - negative 2 quarters
ROE,ROA,ROIC -decreasing
DE 0
Revenue decrease
Net Margin - 11%

Sentiment -Neutral

PUMP/: 27June,12June,16May,24Apr, 3Apr 5jan 29dec
great battle :5jan -10Jan
Dump : 23Apr, 31jan 3nov

Strength compare KLSE index: 69
RSI 58- bullish range
Short Trending :Positive Reversal (Bullish)
Long Trending :Bullish
Volume :
Weekly Volume Bullish (buy 5.7m/ sell 1.9m)
UDV Ratio:1.6 (21June was 1.3)
RSIOBV 60 (21June was 48)
Bullish Volume Acceleration
Momentum(hourly) - start dropping after 230pm 27th June
Volume(hourly) up with big volume, down with small volume
3 months · translate
Some of the Best Advice from the well known traders. Buy the stock when all factors are in your favor
-Stocks move according cycles or patterns
-Understood importance of knowing general market conditions
-Ignore market opinions and stock tips
-Cut your losses quickly
-Avoid downtrends except to short stock
1 year · translate
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