Sandy Chin

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Joined Dec 2020


Luckily, for those companies which we are employed don't treat us like that. After a year's hard work,we got our bonus as promised without any deduction from our own salary,thus increasing our fund ,not like these public listed companies who after bonus and dividends restructuring the price downwards,better they should like of a better term and not mislead the term bonus and dividends as specified in the English dictionary.
3 years · translate
maybe all these companies who tried to "fool" the public with their promised bonus and dividends should be reported to the authorities concern as scams. Their perspective of bonus and dividends are just a form of deceit .What is bonus and dividends? Those are given when the companies making bundles of profit and decide to "reward" the shareholders .But that is not the case in the market apparently. After the ex date of any such so called freebies,prices of share will fall according per se.
3 years · translate
sold .225 but hope tomorrow LU, good sign for DSAI
3 years · translate
Thank you Top Glove,got my dividend today
3 years · translate
Always lightning and thunders on current favourite but no show .Don't be like the vaccine scenario,forever rolling out "fake" news of the various stages of imminent progress but when vaccine really materialize ,suddenly no more news and prices keep downwards.So here keep our fingers tightly crossed and hope not another round of just dream talking and when actuality set in disappear into thin air again.
3 years · translate
what happened to those vaccines ? There were plenty of statements from HWGB regarding the progress of their vaccines participation but ever since then nothing .
3 years · translate
Hope so and Good Luck
4 years · translate
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