Eric Siam

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Fame: 68
Free trade

Joined Dec 2020


Enter 0.05....tunggu mati
2 years · translate
Been long time never here. How are you ATian?
2 years · translate
11 cents its good to risk
3 years · translate
Ini kalilah....
3 years · translate
Those enter 0.2 above....RIP
3 years · translate
Stay in 0.08
3 years · translate
Tycoon control for Tuesday
3 years · translate
Tu dia... Nak close 0.18 pn tk blh. Hopefully you are not in high floor
3 years · translate
I repeate for last. Kanger will not get any of Vaccine project in Malaysia. Stop dreaming.
3 years · translate
seems close 0.18...
3 years · translate
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