Yat Ka Yan

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Joined Dec 2020


you can't read can you
4 years · translate
20 millions+ used to buy back shares just this month. So is the company's boss sozai or y'all sozai
4 years · translate
Already laid the reasons for keeping in other threads, this financial year will be 1bil at least, check out the share price when it had 1 bil.
4 years · translate
Smart for funds to not buy it up to 0.85 - 0.9 range earlier before the retailers join in.

Because sozais would think that it's gonna CRASH and sell, wasting good opportunity.

Since HSR is no longer an uncertainty (well it is due to rumours that it'll continue via MHSR), there's no need to be afraid of pushing the price up to only see stupid retailers selling down.

Means good time to buy since the cloud is clearer for the sozais who can't read.
4 years · translate
It's good if people actually sell. Can't collect much without pushing the price up too much. So sell to me lol.
4 years · translate
klsescreener comments r so pointless and shit, I wonder if anyone comes here to get informed or to fear monger so that other more stupid retailers sell to them.

In any case, refer to i3, there's more insightful remarks there to clear your doubts.
4 years · translate
765 strong support, read the previous buyback and where the buybacks supported.

It was close to breaking 765 but the company and funds support that range on that day and bought up at 775. All time low, don't expect to go further down. Sozai retailers one or two selling then maybe. But the holders of YTL currently are more informed than sozais so no worries.
4 years · translate
Depends, if you're talking about gloves then yes it's going down for the legal issues and bans they're facing. If you really really want to invest in gloves that are better options that are not in Malaysia.

And because there's no better place to put your money than share now, nobody would sell down. Why sell at an all time low? So you can buy at all time high? Lol
4 years · translate
Share price is at all time low still, if it's priced in HSR news then it should be near RM2 levels and crash on Monday but it isn't. It's 30 years all time lows. And besides, think about this even when HSR is announced, it will take years before construction work begins for the profit to rake in from there.

Cement rebates are to receive a haircut soon, more profit to come from cement division. Any existing and upcoming infra works will be a boon to YTL even if they are not directly involved.

The 9bil Gemas-JB awarded way back to them is ahead of schedule too. Nothing to worry la. It's not as if all the holders of YTL are goreng artist so much so that the share price would crash like other small cap speculative counters.

There's more to come that I cannot disclose

If it drops, then my gang will just mop it up lo, no biggie.

Anticipation of msci rebalancing was the reason for the previous retracement towards 0.7 mark. There's not much roadblock ahead.

RM1 is still possible in the coming months.

Next qr is good enough to prop the share price up to RM1 even if it stays sideways till then even though it's unlikely to.

300m gain from disposing land to Tropicana + Cement + Utilities + recovering Hospitality from cuti-cuti Malaysia + UK Arena and development in the vicinity should be easily 1 bil for this financial year.
4 years · translate
Aiyo, why bother with these idiots who missed at the lows @65c and now trying to fearmonger.

300m gain from disposing land to Tropicana + Cement + Utilities + recovering Hospitality from local holiday initiatives should be easily 1 bil for this financial year.

In fact, the holders currently are more funds than retail investors, weak hands are all shaken out. If got people sell 765 some more, I'll collect lo.
4 years · translate
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