XianPeng Choo

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Joined Dec 2020


收够票了 拉高出一些票吧
3 years · translate
云顶很快钱就不见了 在这里住套房 可以慢慢的耗,还有可能反弹下钱又回来了LoL
3 years · translate
3 years · translate
可以参考 TCS ipo 时高开后,回调了几天就横摆,但是几个月后就。。。
3 years · translate
Seriously, this is a joke. If the price drop 300%, the company cash is much more than the stock value, dont you think the boss will privatize the company ? and do you think those holding glove counter IBs or big shark will let it happen ? So Naïve
3 years · translate
Awesome newbie analysis LOL. Supermx and all other glove companies are making superb profit(1Q profits equal to 10 normal years profit meaning glove companies business fast forward to 10 years) and you comparing with before COVID time ?
So using your awesome analysis method all the counters are overvalue la even Apple should only worth US$22(ipo price) LoL
3 years · translate
股价跑在 5个月钱? 这些话只是IB 或者大湿找的借口 来让散户上车罢了 LOL
3 years · translate
每个星期来一天 这样玩 搞死玩Contra的,急死住高楼的。
3 years · translate
哈哈哈哈 一楼二楼有笑点 WC是一位喜欢看NTA选股的kiss kiss大湿 不是股
3 years · translate
今天应该会收在RM6.45/46 上下 制造短线反弹迹象,再慢慢收割
3 years · translate
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