Boon boon Lee

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Joined Nov 2020


奉劝那些有脸说别人没镜子照照自己的, 少以为自己站在道德的制高点指责别人, 丢掉幻想~智慧哦~ 嗤
3 years · translate
Derrick, 你粗口满天飞还大大声的喊说别人是没文化的"investor"的时候,你脸不会红的是吗?Kevin tam, 要不要来defend一下,反正你也是双标framing别人attack different view的,同一挂
3 years · translate
不要pusing kiri kanan, 我现在问你,你为什么讲我bluff? 你看过我的portfolio咩?你知道我的投资策略咩,证明不了就来博大雾啊?哈哈哈,这就叫尊重哦~双标就有啦
3 years · translate
Neither i see any wisdom nor insight from u, honestly, make an appointment with ur doctor, its imperative for u. Look at this guy, cant find the proof then start framing others by attack ppl blatantly, wisdom? hehehe....
3 years · translate
Ur baseless and fabricated accusation wasnt personal attack? U shud start learning what is mutual respect, n i m sure u dun derserve the respect hehehe....
3 years · translate
Typical type of gambler and hindsight, nt even amateur level, so this is type of person who kevin tam defending for, ah pek, 你比较适合穿拖鞋去kopitiam蹭饭吃啦,然后买toto magnum 4D Damacai xD
3 years · translate
Y i need to bluff? Who are u to judge on my investment strategy n decision? U said i bluff? Show us the evidence i bluff, or u never see teik chye kee bluff? Seemingly u re the one who bluff LOL
3 years · translate
Kevin tam? Something wrong wif u? Since when i bother share prices up or down? Who attack different views? U lost ur mind izzit? Hahaha
3 years · translate
I only invest, nt like teik chye kee, hand gt burned at comfort...hahaha
3 years · translate
Kevin tam, does it matter? Sounds like u bought 2 mil shares,lol
3 years · translate
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