Gary Phuah

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Joined Aug 2020


What's wrong with the warrant??
1 year · translate
The warrant no logic in pricing?
2 years · translate
What happened to the warrant?
2 years · translate
Well, in bursa Malaysia, the PRICE always move ahead of the news.. With such progress back in November and price keeps on dropping, I assume and think there's smtg wrong with their production or smtg internally.. No one knows except themselves.. In Jan, they are supposed to announce another 2 lines, and this month another 2,but ntg announced and price keeps on dropping... Didnt see any production also. So you judge yourself la har... Price always do hint us.
4 years · translate
They r like kids playing among themselves instead of pushing up. Lol. And they prefer to lose the brokerage stamp fees all day day loss kao kao by passing around and apply ESOS sis cover back d.. Chun kan this idea. Hahaha
4 years · translate
4 years · translate
4 years · translate
No action one la. I seen this don't know how many times already...
4 years · translate
Any question thrown at the directors such as the acquisition? Like how how many % done for the acquisition this coming 2 weeks? See how they response to your question and you will know the answer....
4 years · translate
Those attended AGM and none questioned about the acquisition??? Like seriously? Then what's the point. Lol. Like maybe question About what's the progress or how many % done for this acquisition in coming 2 weeks..? A simple question and see how they response to your question can roughly know the status already....
4 years · translate
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