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Joined Mar 2017


今天跌是正常,是Div exdate的调整,别慌新手们。
1 week · translate
Drop until 0.180, I will buy.
1 week · translate
Wah.. NTA 0.60, Share price drop until 0.195. Can I say DAMN CHEAP?
1 week · translate
I buy some more at 1.90, I won’t regret. That’s all.
1 week · translate
Believe or not, tomorrow is LAST DAY mega sales. Most people will buy tomorrow to secure dividend income from Inari.
1 week · translate
“4都可以掉到0.95” is not suitable and not applicable to Inari Amertron. Buy now or never. Mark my word.
1 week · translate
1 week · translate
Of course you might say Inari still be affected due to Trump want to build plant in US, demands Broadcom to shift their production line to US to create jobs.
Ok, we see. Rome is not built in one day, factory is not built in a year. Perhaps need 5 years at least including commissioning and fine tune factory process.
2 weeks · translate
Btw, Inari have 90% revenue geographically contributed from Singapore. And, Singapore have bilateral free trade agreement with US. Trump have no right to dictate the law in US, must go through congress before impose.

You can Google it:

“Singapore unlikely to be targeted by direct US tariffs, says Vivian Balakrishnan”

“Last year, Singapore and the US commemorated 20 years of a free trade agreement.”
2 weeks · translate
Because US congress holds the power to impose tariffs, not the US president. Trump only know how to shouting he want to impose tariffs, he still need to get a pass from majority congress vote.
2 weeks · translate
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