Lay Ling Lim

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Joined Jul 2020


What happen? ?
1 year · translate
Ffund raising to clear debt?
2 years · translate
Why sell ? Bought 0.14 past few month and close the app. Today open the app and it’s so HANDSOME : )
3 years · translate
Lol cheetah how?
3 years · translate
GL got 2m why must speak good English? China man so rich unable to speak even a word. 还没看过 大蛇小便
3 years · translate
Got meh?? I asked my family just now. They said no! xD
3 years · translate
都说了,是打不倒 马来西亚 鳄鱼的。 马股手套的买空 % 和 gamestop 的卖空 % 根本不一样。 gamestop 的是 138% , 所以股价一上,空头们就被逼买回。 我们马来西亚的大鳄 有很多手套在手,卖空在手的才 2.多 % 而已。 你们买了很多股票,根本影响不到他们卖空的股票。然而股票上,大鳄也会开心,因为他们手上的股票上涨,以前被套的人也会开心,因为住高楼的可以解套走人。
3 years · translate
Trap trap trap
3 years · translate
Bursa still is bursa, will never become DJI.
3 years · translate
Leave the group lor. Can’t comment also. Admin bought a lot before creating it. Now they have awesome profit. Good luck mate
3 years · translate
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