Pika Chan

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Joined Feb 2017


REITs 比较不适合用 PE ratio 来看 ...
由于人家是recurring 的income .. 建议用 DCF / AFFO 来看 ...
1 year · translate
.... 看一个KIPREIT 想要还是不要进都可以犹豫到这样 ... 哎哟, 别的股票嘛不是更加难 ...

Kip现在靠master lease Aeon Kinta 来吃饭,commercial renewal 都显示弱势了,你不进军稳定/固定的industrial property 还要等什么 ...
1 year · translate
Add on at 1.68, i bet on excellent export , forex growth and also profit capitalize on cheaper inventory stock helded before.
1 year · translate
woah slowly inching upwards not bad
2 years · translate
Free Cash Flow.
2 years · translate
you guys need to see also.
KIPREIT is operating Grade C (Community Complex) Mall , which usually has shorter tenancy .
The ability of their renewal with normal merchant is vital.
2 years · translate
before covid the price also not high ya
recheck the price.

KIPREIT listed at RM 1 then dropped down to 81c then slowly climb back to 90c
2 years · translate
Wellcall's FCF is far more superior than its NTA ...
2 years · translate
Another good company which is undervalued.
Prepare for positioning for beneficial of Weakening Ringgit and strengthening of USD
2 years · translate
dont get me wrong.
From investor side i wont support Capital A at the moment.

But from Customer side i hope Airasia will continue provide cheap flight
2 years · translate
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