Teoh Adrian

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Fame: 115
There's always rainbow after the rain :)

Joined Jun 2020


住在高楼的有很多,还说可以去到 0.7 哈哈
3 years · translate
Jit bai hoseh liao haha!!
3 years · translate
Already stand above 53!!
Let the oil keep burning :)
3 years · translate
哈哈它是propose acquisition 而不是已经买了在生产着。股价已从0.28开始有所动作到0.4。朋友,股不怕错过,只怕买高了!
3 years · translate
Waow nice!! Gonna limit up today :)
3 years · translate
EPF 买股是赚差价而且有进有出很多不同领域的股。如果全部买来放中或长期它有能力一年给我们6-8%的dividend吗?哈哈一个EPF需要在那边打惊小怪吗开什么玩笑哦。。
3 years · translate
Lol KS。连基本的耐心都没有,那谈何投资?
3 years · translate
As long as can stand strong at 8.90 till closing is good enough. U are talking about 45m road block lol..
3 years · translate
怎么你们到现在还相信广告 lol
3 years · translate
Hidup Anwar!! Lawan tetap lawan!! Hahaha
3 years · translate
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