Satomi Wong

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Joined Apr 2020


Still holding, this current announcment is just to swipe away the investor and collect ticket for further big earn. Smart investor will not panic in this kind of trick, it is just a tactic among the investment world.
3 years · translate
I got the very accurate insider about sharks will having an emergency meeting tonight due to higher demand from the buying side.

The sharks will try to sell and throw their ticket to 40 cents to scare investor for the initial round(40-50).then when the Sharks fail to get more tickets and when the price ceiling to 55 cents, the sharks might again throw their tickets to below 50cents(50-60 cents range). Remember hold tight your ticket no matter what will happen.
3 years · translate
I got the very accurate insider about sharks will having an emergency meeting tonight due to higher demand from the buying side.

The sharks will try to sell and throw their ticket to 40 cents to scare investor for the initial round(40-50).then when the Sharks fail to get more tickets and when the price ceiling to 55 cents, the sharks might again throw their tickets to below 50cents(50-60 cents range). Remember hold tight your ticket no matter what will happen.
3 years · translate
我和你是站同一阵线的 请为广大的股民揭穿股市黑幕的一面
3 years · translate
3 years · translate
BIMB 的股价会在凭单于2023 年 12 月届满前突破 RM4.939,即使整个计划泡汤,也不怕,因为凭单的寿命还很长 (2023年12月届满),而且 BIMB 的业绩亮丽,是少数持续成长的好股,三年内肯定可以超越,特别是第15届全国大选必须在2023年中旬前举行,并且政府势必在解散国会前营造歌舞升平的美好景象,所以 BIMB 必定获得追捧。相信 Bimb Warrant价位很大机会突破0.35
3 years · translate
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