Chia Yee

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Joined Feb 2020


every time I go to 99 mart,I cannot find eggs.. this proves that demand is more than supply
9 months · translate
I don't think teo seng may go go tomorrow as it has more subsidy..and omega egg prices are not controlled by the government..only small companies or egg farms are affected as they are using more diesel,and not able to compete with big companies.. as far as I'm concerned teo seng upgraded its farm using solar system a few years's a well established company in egg industry..
9 months · translate
low PE,not too much share issues that's y can afford to pay dividends every quarter..just have patience...
9 months · translate
I still have faith in scicom,at least it is still earning,n gives dividends,look at other technology stock,like greatech,rm5.30 but never gives least u can get dividends and capital gains if buy scicom
9 months · translate
more than 40 k..tqvm for the high dividends previously....go go go prtasco..
9 months · translate
strongly agree. .I am neither prtasco workers or chong's supporter..I am just an investor who earned a lot, including getting high dividends and capital gains from prtasco last time. .I still stick with prtasco as I believe prtasco will come back one day...chong will do something to get more contracts,as many construction companies have come back..winning tey ? yi trial is the first step ...
9 months · translate
pay dividends every quarter
9 months · translate
U shooting gun from teh poop yi?last time prtasco was very good,now U teh prepares to go to jail if no money to pay prtasco..
9 months · translate
don't want bonus..I want special dividend
10 months · translate
yup..hope can declare a special div and limit up
10 months · translate
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