Habib Mohamad

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Joined Feb 2020


naik 0.120 nnt.
3 years · translate
dah tua tunggu...
3 years · translate
sputnik v, the most efficient cov19 vaccine
3 years · translate
anyone buying their test kit?
3 years · translate
it looks like a groups of people with assigned tasks to play with the price. end of the day they might share profits together.
3 years · translate
yes its a fake q
3 years · translate
its all about sharks that set the rule. thy will decide what and when. smart achovies just hide and wait. not smart one will be eaten.
3 years · translate
fake contract news
3 years · translate
wht news? ....
3 years · translate
he is right. i just scrolled all the announcemnts tdy.
3 years · translate
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