Mutasabiq Al-Ittijahi

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Joined Nov 2016


tunggu jatuh lagi utk sauk...hehe
3 years · translate
dah comp china...cenggini la gorengannya...
4 years · translate
haha mmg derhaka sangat....kikiki
4 years · translate
its ok, the wb is still young...there will be a time that will go to holland...patient is the key. collect when it is at discount and when nobody talk about it.
4 years · translate
my 2¢, today I detected small bearish divergence so it would pull back for profit taker. so wait till it touch again the major trend to rebounce. happy trading.
6 years · translate comment is not a buy call, hold call or sell call..its just a 2 cent comment and still it is up to your judgment, homework study and experience. It still a people emotion (90% lose) on buy/sell (trade) and only 10% is making money in stock market. So happy investing and trading. Just ignore if you think it is incorrect and pls hold for long term if you could predict it long. I just follow the trend, the trend is my friend. Based on TA price pattern, it already form double top..hihu
6 years · translate
if to talk on iphone only, lower income buy, off course not affordable. Mid income to buy, hmm now have to think twice. Rich people buy, yes they can buy they always think why to spend more if can buy a bit cheaper with same quality and feature. And now, when new prod launching time, does it really viral and people que like hell like previous days? hmm i'm have doubt. Anyway, the overvalue is based on the FA which the revenue is quarterly down eventhough there is still slim net profit.
6 years · translate
its already over value. will down further to 1.57/ 1.32.
6 years · translate
good for long term...
6 years · translate
would be rebounds for short term but the mire towrds side way. The bullish reversal not yet confirmed as there will be a price test at its floor...
the price not yet touch its floor yet. my 2 cent.
6 years · translate
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