Kee You Tan

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Joined Dec 2019


我问了我的reminser,如果这两天没出售,如果日本公司持有超过75% 股票,到时候NTT也会用RM1.08 来买… 只需要去填form罢了…


所以总结,最低1.08 一定有人买了… 不需要着急卖
1 month · translate
1.08 太便宜了… at least 都该1.2
1 month · translate
一起不卖,给public 超过25% ,让他无法delist
1 month · translate
All stock up… this stock still sleeping
4 months · translate
Mr.meng fatt… look like he is not force sell
5 months · translate
Meng fatt, how we see the case is belong to force selling
5 months · translate
Told you already seat belt tie kuat kuat. Soon
5 months · translate
Tie your seat belt. Soon…
5 months · translate
Ok. Let see … slowly ah slowly wait …. Not rush
5 months · translate
Go jaks already?
1 year · translate
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