tb gan

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Joined Nov 2019


Does anyone know what's up with Tunepro? Someone keeps collecting the shares
3 weeks · translate
1Q24 results out: 12.69sen per share. This is a fairly good performance
4 weeks · translate
Hypothetically, Manulife is worth RM6.9 if there's an offer to take over the company: 1.2 x nta = 6.9
1 month · translate
With 2.7 billion shares, Supermax has a cash reserve of close to RM2 billion; while top glove, with 8+ billion shares, has only a few hundred million cash reserve. Over longer term, all counters will reflect their intrinsic values
1 month · translate
Don't bother too much about the lower current price of Supermax; the glove tide is coming in, all boats will float! Top glove moves higher because KWAP is buying and people are following, not necessarily it's a better stock.
1 month · translate
I think the best is yet to come; with nta of 5.79, there's still plenty of upside!
1 month · translate
At the present rate of price movement, it doesn't seem to be a normal speculation; the price increase is consistent and planned. There are three possibilities: privatisation by the controlling shareholder; merger with another insurance company; take-over by a third party. Let's watch and see the real reason behind the current play-up. Eventually, the truth will emerge!
1 month · translate
The article of the above link probably caused the upward rerating of Manulife Malaysia
1 month · translate
People have suddenly discovered this undervalued stock! Still lots of steam to move up
1 month · translate
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