Lim AS

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Fame: 2,350
Interested in stock trading .
Read n study for most of the counters .
Personal n reasonable views

Joined Oct 2019


Bad news one after one ! Investors are looking for positive signs but insofar nothing seems positive yet ! Conservative banking like pbb n Maybank can withstand the onslaught of bad news came from within or outside !
7 hours · translate
Indiscriminate way to business will bring bigger loss n suffering
10 hours · translate
EPF keep on selling to liquidate cash for year end reporting ?
10 hours · translate
Whatever the gain if the mgt only thinking of themselves, not much can a minority shareholder to benefit from any increase in profits !
1 day · translate
Forex loss of 80+ billions in 3Q will make the stock deep deeper
3 days · translate
The party will end sooner than later
3 days · translate
Very overpriced compared to DIY . Eps less than 5 c n zero dividend should remind investors of the hidden risks once situation changes
5 days · translate
Its earnings only 5.5 cents n its asset backing at 17c . It should be traded below RM 1 ringgit . Like DIY , it has shot up at RM 4 but now only 1.80 n its lowest at 1.50. So don’t be fools to chase high! That’s my advice n reminder .
2 weeks · translate
March 25 at 10c possibly
2 weeks · translate
Loss 1.9 million compared last year quarterly at profit 9 millions ? Expecting the share to drop further n those collected today shall regret later
2 weeks · translate
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