James Sia

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Joined May 2019


Hi Sabastian, I think the same. I have been buying … hopefully there will be another dividend and the demand for palm oil will increase in the next qtr of festivities
5 days · translate
Look like a good buy now with more than 10% dip from the recent pea, 3 Qtrs results already surpassed previous year result … palm oil futures price remains high through the 4th Qtr will lead to another record year. Is there potential for at least 10% up from current 4.15?
1 week · translate
Good dividend, very sound financial (low debt ratio, low PE and strong EPS), consistent delivery of profits but due to market sentiment it has not been able to push past 1.60 … fair value should be around 2.00 based on PE 8x. Securing more jobs from petronas in the coming quarters will help to give it a push.
2 weeks · translate
I believe the underwriter bankers are supporting at 0.20 for certain periods to prevent it from going below IPO price. You have to wait until the next qtr results to get a feel of the price direction
2 weeks · translate
You will probably see the price moving up from now 0.155 by early next year.
2 weeks · translate
Palm oil futures and FFB prices reaching a new high every week. I wonder how high and long will this up trend able to hold.
1 month · translate
Have been on the down trend since mid September. This is not a good sign. Today dumped volume is exceptionally high. Tomorrow may get worse
2 months · translate
too large number of share ... too heavy to move up but can drop faster than up. TeoSeng is smaller and much better
3 months · translate
After yesterday run today punctured already … jialat
3 months · translate
1. MYEG don't know who are the buyers of their token and the token asset in balance sheet is value at the market price, I suppose based on demand and supply. At the moment the supply is more than demand, will the token value go down?
2. MYEG is competing to have their blockchain technology adopted as the standard by Malaysia government and hopefully by ASEAN in 5 years. In this endeavour MYEG needs to be much more aggressive and 5 years is too long.
Conclusion, the future outlook is still very cloudy. That is my understanding. If anyone has more in-dept knowledge, you are welcome to correct me or add your comment.
3 months · translate
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