Peng Wong

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Joined Jul 2016


Out of the country again for the limelight when his Malay suport base is weak. Our east Malaysian friends or UMNO may pull the rug under him and we will be back to Sheraton move days with a government we did not vote for.

AI should stay home, grow his Malay base or he won't be PM for long.
1 year · translate
Ask these migrant workers how many times they or their close friends have been robbed by our crooked cops.
2 years · translate
One by one, these crooks are let off the hook. What Azeez is charged with is only the very tip of a very big iceberg.
3 years · translate
Dumb ass, give cronies licence to chop off all the forest to harvest a few hundred million ringgit worth of timber and have to spend 300B to mitigate the floods
3 years · translate
A white elephant size waste of money or plenty of money to be made by crooks. What is there in Kedah to generate the kind of traffic for an International Airport
3 years · translate
Wow FGV 10,000 cows can produce 100M litres or each cow 10k litres annually. Super cows or super optimistic numbers.
3 years · translate
By air suam minister logic we are still in the first wave as we never had zero cases for a single day since first wave.
3 years · translate
When there is plenty of
haram money to be made, plenty of eyes are easily covered
4 years · translate
Buaya besar only get 12 mths. Why no detterent sentence to send message that crime does not pay.
4 years · translate
At end of 2018 there were only about 67M shares issued b4 the ARBB PA exercise. Now 420M shares. Another 600M PA still floating around waiting for conversion to mother. We won't know if ppl holding PA will convert but those who have real interest in the company ie major shareholders, they will convert.
4 years · translate
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