Darren Nhk

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Joined Oct 2018


请问你3, 4 月 一共 61天里面你工作了几多天?
4 years · translate
应该说没有人会知道答案的, 连冷眼前辈都会看错,巴菲特都有跌眼镜的时候, 谁会说自己可以预测未来哦
4 years · translate
flying? quarter report out?
4 years · translate
我还在等它跌才买, 还没到我要的价钱
4 years · translate
aliff , if u got holding power keep some for long term , their pe consider very very low for a technology company
4 years · translate
don't u think government will not prioritize immi during MCO?
4 years · translate
already fly today , tomorrow continue
4 years · translate
very strong, tomorrow most likely continue , tp 0.32
4 years · translate
I have been telling myself this since march , but price keep going up , hahahaha
4 years · translate
all these while foreign funds are pulling out of Bursa , it's our local people pushing up the market
4 years · translate
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